Saturday, December 13, 2008

steps of a research paper

Steps of a Research Paper
1. Decide on a topic. Make sure it is one you are interested in and that it is not too broad or too narrow to analyze adequately.
2. Begin your library research. Start with the card catalogue or computer subject headings. Use the periodical index. Your best bet may be to find a few general books on the subject, and then study the bibliographies in the back of the books. Oftentimes, the very best sources are found this way. You may note, as you read, that one person may be quoted repeatedly in several articles. This should tell you that this person may be an authority. (See if their name is in the catalogue.) If you run across the mention of an article while reading another article or book, go find it. Use encyclopedias, reference books, newspapers, microfilm, the librarians, the World Wide Web, and other teachers’ advice. Research is a back-and-forth, in-and-out process, rather like the strategy of a good video game.
As you scan possible sources, make a list of sources you won't use, sources you might use, and sources you will definitely use. Make bibliography cards for the latter two right away. Photocopy all material that you might or will use--even pamphlets and personal books. This will save you time later, should you need to return to the library. If you conduct a good deal of research, the first list will help you keep up with sources you've already checked (unless you enjoy checking them three and four times).
3. After acquiring some knowledge of your subject matter, it is time to decide on your personal interview and/or questionnaire, should you choose to use one. Write the interview questions and prepare the survey. Be careful to word both objectively. Your research is only as valuable as the interview or questionnaire.
4. Write the outline, rough draft, and the final paper. Then rewrite it to make it sound as professional as possible.
To analyze something, divide it into parts. Since you are writing about a problem, the body of your paper might look something like this:
Paragraph 1: General introduction of the problem. Thesis statement which states your opinion.
Paragraph 2-3: History of the problem (including, perhaps, past attempts at a solution). Sources needed
Paragraph 4-6: Extent of the problem (who is affected; how bad is it, etc.). Sources needed
Paragraphs 7-8: Repercussion of the problem if not solved. Sources needed.
Paragraphs 9-10: You should have led up to a conclusion that your argument is sound. Pull it all together by connecting your argument with the facts. Anticipate objections and make concessions.
Paragraph 11: Conclusion: Restatement of thesis and summary of main ideas.
You are writing a full explanation of the problem and arguing for your viewpoint to be accepted. Work in your own interview and questionnaire in the body of the paper where they make the most sense.
5. Once your paper has been written, check every quotation in it for accuracy. Your instructor may require that every quotation should be photocopied and included with what you turn in. All quoted matter should be clearly marked on the photocopy.

Topics to consider:
A commentary on cartoons; i.e. Spongebob, Ren and Stimpy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, etc…
A persuasive essay on guns and gun control.
Ipods, video games, and new technology.
A musical genre, including bands, styles, influences, and contemporary.
Art and its aesthetics; for example, define art and what does it mean to you?
A complete research on the history of a sport; be it football, soccer, basketball,etc…Include your favorite team in the essay with a lot of historic evidence of their accomplishments.
An essay on education. How does it work? Can we do it better? What is good and bad for the students? The school food; is it nutritious?
What is fashion? How is it functioned in our society?

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