Monday, May 13, 2013


Historicism is the practice of understanding literature by a specific time and place while interpreting a point of view through a perception of a significant event or idea. The process of which we judge its historical relevance and integrity is called its “Rhetorical Proximity,” which is the approximate connection of emotional, intellectual, and logical attraction of a given work; the aesthetic value, or integral judgment of an author’s work through its use of history. the determinable value rating gage a. Historical relevance - time and setting b. Determinable truth - supporting evidence c. Connotative suggestion - persuasive credibility d. Tone sensitivity - descriptive conditionals e. Mood appeal -emotional balance f. Color effect - visual clarity g. Equitable strength - character development h. Moral sphere - rhetorical insertions i. Specificity value in dialogue - figurative literal bal j. Lit O-meter; 10 aesthetically absolute (to truth and beauty) 1 aesthetically critical (to falsity and deception)

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