Sunday, September 19, 2010

Monday, September 20
Begin answering the questions
1. What does North Hills need that it doesn't have? bowling alley, park, more shopping malls? why?
2. If love were a real, tangible object that you can see and physically hold/touch, what would that object be? Why?
3. New law: texting is now forbidden. You have one text message left.What would it say and who would you send it to? Why?
4. Stuck on a deserted island? Too bad. We'll give you three wishes. you can't leave! Sorry! What are they and why? Also, what three songs would you take with you?
5. Imagine the 1970s...describe it to me. Also, do you feel a connection to a decade for any particularly unusual reason? What is it?
6. As a student in high school, what do you think about the educational system? What would you keep and what would you change? Why

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